Tesfaye Semela (Professor)

Biography: Professor Tesfaye Semela was born on 28th of March 1966 in Jimma Ethiopia. He grew up and attended both his primary and secondary school at Jimma.

Then he went to Addis Abeba University in 1983 for his Undergraduate study and secured BA in Education and Mathematics in1986. Then, in 1996 he held M.A. in Educational Psychology, from Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia., 7 years later in 2003 (September) he held PhD in Educational Psychology, from University of Tübingen, Faculty of Social Behavioral Sciences, Germany and from 2009 to 2012 he was Postdoctoral Research Fellow, in University of Tübingen, Faculty of Social Behavioral Sciences, Germany. 

Area of research & ongoing research projects:

Prof. Tesfaye’s specializes in educational policy analysis, higher education, teacher education, gender and education, meta cognition, academic self-concept, and academic outcomes. His ongoing research projects are listed below:

  1. A Longitudinal study of Meta cognitive Development among Poor and At Risk Children in Southern Ethiopia.
  2. Child Education, Play and Leisure in Southern Ethiopia, Sponsored by  Bureau of Women, Children and Youth, SNNPR & UNCIEF (A Book Project)
  3. Curriculum Modularization in Ethiopian Public Universities: The Case of Hawassa University (To be published in a book form soon)
  4. Child Development Program Intervention in Dara Woreda, Southern Ethiopia by SOS Children’s Village, Hawassa Program.

Teaching Experience: Has taught for about 27 years. Professor Tesfaye taught different courses of Postgraduate Programs: Postgraduate Programs in Education: Foundations of Educational Management (EdPM 601) and Leadership in Education (EdPM 638),Postgraduate Program in Human Resource management: Advanced Research Methods (MBAH 505) and Advanced Organizational Behavior (MBAH 542), Postgraduate Program in Cooperatives: Leadership theories ,and Postgraduate Program in Governance & Development Studies: Advanced research Methods in Governance Studies (GaDs 505). He has also supervised MA and PhD thesis. A total 31 MA students graduated under his supervision since 2011.

Selected Publications (Only: 2009-2013) 

  • Semela, T. (2013). Teacher Preparation in Ethiopia: Analysis of Reforms. Cambridge Journal of Education. DOI: 10.1080/030576X.2013.860080. (To be available online as of December 30, 2013)
  • Semela, T., Bohl, T. & Klienknecht, M. (2013). Civic Education in Ethiopian Schools: Adopted Paradigms, Instructional Technology and Democratic Citizenship in Multicultural Context. International Journal of Educational Development, 33(2): 156-164. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijedudev.2012.03.003.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0738059312000375
  • Semela, T. (2012). Intergroup Contact among Ethiopian Youth: Effect of Ethnicity, Language, and Religious Background, Journal of Developing Societies, 28(3): 323-354. DOI: 10.1177/0169796X12453782.http://jds.sagepub.com/content/28/3/323.abstract
  • Semela, T. & Zeleke, G.A. (2012). The Affective Side of Mathematics Education: Adapting Mathematics Attitude Measure to the Context of Ethiopia. Ethiopian Journal of Education, 32(1):59-91
  • Semela, T.(2011). Breakneck Expansion and Quality Assurance in Ethiopian Higher Education: Ideological Rationales and Economic Impediments. Higher Education Policy, 24 (3), 399-425, doi: 10.1057/hep.2011.11. http://www.palgrave-journals.com/hep/journal/v24/n3/abs/hep201111a.html.
  • T.(2011). Educational Research and the Ethiopian Journal of Education (EJE) in the Past Decade (2000-2009): Contributions, Downsides, and the Way Forward. Ethiopian Journal of Education, 31 (2):125-154.
  • Semela, T. (2011) Vulnerability to Brain Drain among Academics in Ethiopian Higher Learning Institutions. Asian Social Science, 7 (1): 3-18.Click the following link to see the Abstract (http://ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/ass/article/view/8859.)
  • Abdo, M. & Semela, T. (2010). Teachers of Poor Communities: The Tale of Instructional Media Use in Primary Schools of Gedeo Zone, Southern Ethiopia, Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 35 (7), 78-92. Click the following link to see the abstract: http://ro.ecu.edu.au/ajte/vol35/iss7/7/.
  • Semela, T. (2010). Who is joining Physics and Why? Factors Influencing the Choice of Physics among Ethiopian University Students. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education,5 (3), 319-339. Click the following link to read the full text: http://www.ijese.com/IJESE_v5n3_Semela.pdf.
  • Semela, T. (2010). Adult and continuing education in post secondary institutions in Ethiopia: policy, practice and challenges. European Journal of Social Sciences, 13(1), 108-126.   Click the following link to read the full text: http://www.eurojournals.com/ejss_13_1_12.pdf.
  • Semela, T. (2009). Child schooling in Sidama: Determinants of school dropping out and sex-preference in making enrollment decision. Ethiopian Journal of Education, 29 ( 2), 1-21.

Shibeshi, A., Mekonnen, D., Semela, T. & Endawoke, Y. (2009). Assessment of Science Education Quality Indicators in Addis Ababa, Bahir Dar, and Hawassa Universities. In: Quality of Higher Education in Ethiopian Public Institutions, pp. 161-264, Forum for Social Studies, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. ISBN 13: 978-99944-50-31-2.

School /division: School of Education & Training


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