Curriculum vitae

  1. Personal Information
  1. Qualification
  • BA Degree in Foreign Languages and Literature from Addis Ababa University (AAU)
  • MA Degree in TEFL from AAU
  • PhD in English Language Education from AAU


  • Previous Work Experiences
  • English language Teacher for 4 years in Secondary and Preparatory Schools
  • Department Head of English language at preparatory Schools,
  • Served as Academic vice principal for 1 year in Secondary and preparatory school,
  • Served for 2 years as district/ Woreda Education office Head
  1. Current Position and Responsibilities
  • Associate professor of TEFL at Hawassa University.
  • Director, Collaborative Projects Collaboration  Directorate, Hawassa University


  1. Professional Experience and Activities
  • Conducted three school based studies on Primary and Secondary school English language instruction,
  • Trained Preparatory, Secondary and Primary School English teachers in Hawassa University Technology Village Woredas in 2015 and 2016, and
  • Participated in Designing English Language Syllabus, Scope and Sequence and Text Book Preparation for Primary Schools sponsored by RTI (USAID).
  • Handling English Language Education Courses of Undergraduate and post graduate classes.
  • Module team leader for professional courses
  • Developing and Editing Different Course Teaching materials
  • Delivering Trainings on Language Instruction and Research
  • Supervising /Advising  and offering courses for MA (Postgraduate) students
    • Offered more than 13 Course both in MA and PhD level
    • Supervised 47 MA Candidates as Main and 21 as Co-Supervisor.
    • Supervised 5 PhD students and they graduated now.
    • Currently Supervising 10 PhD candidates as main and co-supervisor


  1. Research Interest Areas
  • Technology assisted Language learning and teacher education,
  • Learning the Language skills from early to tertiary levels (specially literacy skills)
  • Language teachers professional development
  • Language learning and academic performance; relationship between mother tongue and second/ foreign language performances ;
  • Language curriculum, syllabus and teaching material development.
  • Publications on International Journals


  1. Mebratu Bachore and Tesfaye Semela (2022)Is gender-bias in textbooks spilled over from schools to universities? Evidence from Ethiopian university English language course textbooks. Cogent Education 9 (1)
  2. Gashaw Tefera Woldetsadik, Mebratu Mulatu Bachore, Tesfaye Alemu Woldeab & Tesfaye Habtemariam Gezahegn | Li Zhao (Reviewing editor)(2022) Mobile-based aural oral skill lessons: The effects on EFL teacher trainees’ oral performance, Cogent Education, 9:1, DOI: 1080/2331186X.2022.2112943
  3. Woldetsadik, Gashaw, Mebratu Bachore, Tesfaye Alemu, and Tesfaye Habtemariam Gezahegn. 2022. "The Effect of the Mobile-Based Lesson Approach on the Attitude and Performance of EFL Teacher Trainees’ Aural Skills." The International Journal of Technologies in Learning30 (1): 29-50. doi:10.18848/2327-0144/CGP/v30i01/29-50.
  4. Mebratu Mulatu Bachore, "English Language Literacy Skills and Academic Achievement of Urban and Rural Secondary Schools: The Case of High and Low Achievers", Education Research International, vol. 2022, Article ID 2315426, 8 pages, 2022.
  5. Mebratu Mulatu Bachore (2022). Analysis of Gender Representation in English Language Learning Materials: The Case of Grade Ten Textbook in Ethiopia. Journal of Curriculum and Teaching, 15(5).
  6. Tadiwos Hambamo, Mebratu Mulatu and Zeleke Arficho (2022). Investigating the Correlation Between Students’ Reading Fluency and Comprehension. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, Vol. 13, No. 2.
  7. Kebede Kassa, Mebratu Mulatu and Zeleke Arficho (2022). Relationship Between Students’ Attitude Towards Vocabulary Learning and Their English Vocabulary Knowledge. Theory and Practice in Language Studies. Vol.12(10), pp.1953-1960,.
  8. Ephrame Zeleke, Mebratu Mulatu and Zeleke Arficho (2022). An Analysis of Ethiopian Federal TVET Institute Trainees’ Academic and Professional Needs of the English Language. Theory and Practice in Language Studies. 13(1), pp. 8-17
  9. Abiy Zewdu Agegnehu, Mebratu Mulatu Bachore & Zeleke Arficho Ayele (2023) Effects of an explicit rime-based phonics method on the phonological awareness outcomes of Ethiopian EFL children, Cogent Education, 10:1, 2203582, DOI: 10.1080/2331186X.2023.2203582


  1. Tadiwos Hambamo, Mebratu Mulatu and Zeleke Arficho (2022). Investigating the Associations among EFL Students Reading Attitude, Reading Motivation, and comprehension. Innovation, No. 66 (3), 612-630



  1. Tadiwos Hambamo, Mebratu Mulatu and Zeleke Arficho (2022). Investigating the relationship between students reading attitude and reading comprehension. Innovation, No. 67 (4), pp. 733-749


  1. Ephrem Zeleke, Mebratu Mulatu Bachore, Zeleke Arficho (2022). Analysis of Technical and Vocational Education Training Institute Learners’ English Language Skills Needs and the Instructional Modes Employed: Academic and Career Contexts. European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences. 11(4) URL:


  1. Mebratu Mulatu and Eshetu Mandefro. (2022). ICT-based English language instructions in rural and urban secondary schools: access, utilization, awareness, and challenges. Ethio-inquiry Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. 1 (1). Pp. 46-61


  1. Mebratu Mulatu, Woldemariam Bezabih (2018). The Effects of Teachers’ Perceptions on the Implementations Active Learning in EFLClassroom: The Case of Three Selected Secondary Schools in
    Dawro Zone, SNNPRS, Ethiopia, Global Journal of Human Social Sciences, 16 (3).


  1. Mebratu Mulatu, Amare Satenaw (2018).  An Investigation into the Extent and Challenges of Assessing Students’ Speaking Skills in Selected Secondary Schools: The Cases of Wolayita Zone, Ethiopia , International Journal of Education, 11 (2)


  1. Mebratu Mulatu, Eshetu Mandefro, Tesfaye Abebe and Yoahannis Yona (2016). School Leadership and English Language Teachers’ Approaches in Teaching English Language: The Case of Selected Schools in Sidama Zone, Southern Ethiopia: International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research. 15, No. 10, pp. 62-72.


  1. Mebratu Mulatu, Eshetu Mandefro, Tesfaye Abebe and Yoahannis Yona (2017). The Impact of Remedial Training on EFL Teachers’ Interest, Proficiency and Classroom Performance: the Case of School in Sidama Zone, Ethiopia. Language in India 17, No. 3, pp. 118-132.


  1. Mebratu Mulatu (2015). The Status, Roles and Challenges of Teaching English Language in Ethiopia Context: the Case of Selected Primary and Secondary Schools in Hawassa University Technology Village Area. International Journal of Sociology of Education, 4(2), 182-196.\
  2. Mebratu Mulatu (2015). The vicious circle of plagiarism in the academic world: the treat for the quality of education: International Journal of Current Advanced Research .Vol 4, Issue 2



  1. Mebratu Mulatu (2015). Using Mobile Phone Technologies to Maintain Quality of Education in Ethiopia: A View beyond the Prevalence of Academic Dishonesty: Asian Journal of Education and Training. 1, No. 1, 1-7, 2015.


  1. Mebratu Mulatu (2014). Cognitive Reading Strategy Training and Its Effects on EFL Learners’ Comprehension Skills: The Case of High School Learners:


  1. Mebratu Mulatu (2014). Learners’ Success in Mother Tongue Based Classroom Instruction and the Attitudes and Perceptions of School Communities: International Journal of Sociology of Education, 3(2), file:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/Dialnet-MotherTongueBasedMTBClassroomInstruction-4778436.pdf



  1. Mebratu Mulatu (2014). The Role of English Language in Ethiopia and Its Implication for Teaching: From Daily Academic Routines to Science and Technology: International Journal of Languages in India:  14(6).
  2. Mebratu Mulatu (2016). The Nature, Causes and Practices of Academic Dishonesty/ Cheating in Higher Education: The Case of Hawassa University. Journal of Education and Practice,7 (19).
  3. Mebratu Mulatu (2015). Language Learning through Mobile Technologies: An Opportunity for Language Learners and Teachers. Journal of Education and Practice,6 (31).
  4. Mebratu Mulatu (2014). Academic Dishonesty/ Corruption in the Period of Technology: Its implication for Quality of Education. American Journal of Educational Research, 2 (1), pp. 1060-1064
  5. Mebratu Mulatu Bachore, (2014). "The Role of Mother Tongue Based Education in Ensuring the Quality of Classroom Instruction: Opportunities and Challenges," Journal of Education and Literature, Research Academy of Social Sciences, 1(1), pages 31-38.
  6. Mebratu Mulatu, Berhan Demeke, Getu Shibabaw, Tadesse H/Mariam (2017). English for Ethiopia (Book 2). Addis Ababa: MoE URL:
  7. Mebratu Mulatu, Berhan Demeke, Getu Shibabaw, Tadesse H/Mariam (2017). English for Ethiopia (Book 1). Addis Ababa: MoE URL:
  8. Mebratu Mulatu (2016). Reading Strategy Training and Its Impact on Comprehension Skills: The Case of Secondary School EFL Learners. Germany: LAMBERT Publishers (Available at Amazon:


  • Editor and Reviewer of Internationally Reputable Scientific Journals and Publishers (7 )
  • RISE International Journal of Sociology of Education: (Reviewer)
  • Cogent Education (Taylor and Francis): (Reviewer);
  • East African Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (EAJSSH): (Reviewer);
  • Ethiopian Science Academy Journals: (An Evaluator for Journals Natioanl Accreditation)
  • Elsevier: International Journal of Educational Development (Reviewer):
  • International Journal of Research (IJR): (Editor)
  • Journal of Educational Research and Reviews, JERR : (Reviewer)


  1. Research Papers Presented on National and International Conferences
  • In 2002 E.C presented a paper entitled “ The Impact English Language in Global Level” on the National conference designed by UNESCO in collaboration with ETA I Hawassa University.
  • In 2005 E.C presented a paper entitled “The Role of Mother Tongue in the Quality of Classroom Instructions: Opportunities and Challenges” on the National conference designed by UNESCO in collaboration with Bahir Dar University .
  • In 2006 E.C presented a paper entitled “ Role of Mother tongue To ensure the Quality of Education ” on the National conference designed by UNESCO in collaboration with ETA in Ambo University.
  • Adama University (2006): The Prevalence of Academic Dishonesty in the Era of Technology: Challenges and Opportunities: Conference on Quality Education: Adama; Ethiopia.
  • Bahidar University (May,2016). The Nature, Causes and Practices of Academic Dishonesty/ Cheating in Higher Education: The Case of Hawassa University. Bahidar: Ethiopia: International Conference
  • Wolayita Sodo University (2018). An Investigation on Secondary School Students’ Literacy Skills and Their Academic Performance: Identifying Critical Areas for Intervention. Wolayita Sodo, Ethiopia


  1. Contact Address

Mebratu Mulatu Bachore  (PhD), Associate Professor

Department of English Language and Literature

College of Social sciences and Humanities

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


ORCID: 0000-0001-5823-7957

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Hawassa University, Ethiopia

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