Ambassador of Bangladesh visits HU

His Excellency, Mr. Sikder Bodiruzzaman, Ambassador of Bangladesh to Ethiopia, visited Hawassa University to discuss potential collaboration areas on October 21, 2023.

Dr. Ing. Fisiha Getachew, Vice President for Academic Affairs of Hawassa University, received the ambassador in his office where he pointed out the strategic partnership goals of the university underscoring the fact that HU is poised to specialize in research and innovation, especially in the fields of agriculture, medicine and health sciences, technology and other areas.

Dr. Emebet Bekele, Director General of OERC at Hawassa University, also emphasized the need to sign Memorandum of Understanding between the Embassy and HU so all possible partnerships get institutionalized for better chances of South-South collaboration. She pointed out the potential areas of partnership between Hawassa University and other Bangladeshi Universities where the embassy serves as a bridge to connect them so as to work on different internationalization schemes such as staff and students exchange, experience sharing mobilities, joint programs and research.

Dr. Ing. Fasika Bete, Scientific Director of IOT in Hawassa University, also remarked on the possible collaborations with Bangladeshi companies involved in garment and textile industry at the neighboring Hawassa Industrial Park. He pointed out to the ambassador that students and the staff of IOT can benefit from internship opportunities at the companies while the companies can also benefit from young and energetic man power to work for them.

Mr. Bodiruzzaman was delighted to have visited Hawassa University, one of the prestigious universities in Ethiopia, and agreed to institutionalize the suggested collaborations through signing MOU as a starter. He also remarked on how much important it is for the Bangladesh people and government to work and stay connected with their Ethiopian counterparts, and said he's highly committed to realize same.

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