Message from RTT VP

Vice President’s message

Very warm welcome to Hawassa University’s official website! Hawassa University (HU) is one of well-established public universities in Ethiopia engaged in teaching, research and community services in the last 44 years. It was established as Awassa Junior College of Agriculture in 1976 with the admission of 217 students. In 2000, it was re-established as a comprehensive University by merging three Colleges. Currently, HwU is one of the top ranking Universities in Ethiopia with 7 campuses, over 40,000 student population & about 7,000 staff. The University aspires to be one of the ten research Universities in east Africa by 2030. Research and Technology Transfer (RTT) have been among the core missions of the Ethiopian Higher Education Institutions (HEI). In light of this mission, HU has identified eleven research thematic areas and carried out many research works in the last two decades. In doing so, HU has contributed its part for the overall development of the country through disseminating several research outputs and technological innovations that contributed for the overall development of the surrounding community and the country at large.

HU has spent about 128 million birrs for research and community activities undertakings in the last four years (2017-2020). In the same years, Hawassa University researchers have published more than 1,800 articles in international peer-reviewed journals across different disciples significantly contributing to the production of new knowledge. On the other hand, the University have invented and adapted 23 technologies in the last five years of which seven granted intellectual property right. These technologies have been transferred to different industries and helped them to solve their problems. Community service provision has been another area of focus for the University. Community services are rendered to communities in seven technology villages focusing on four issues. These are agriculture and natural resources management, health and nutrition, education and training, and free legal services.

Because of HU’s outstanding performances in the areas of research, technology transfer and community services, the University has attracted the attention of several international institutions and organizations for collaborative engagements. Furthermore, the university has excellent records in the administration and management of collaborative projects.  Presently, Hawassa University is running more than 65 collaborative projects with several international and national partners.

The university welcomes researchers, Universities and other organizations interested to collaborate with us in the areas of research, technological innovations and community services. The University has very experienced professors and devoted young staffs who are very much committed to working with our esteemed partners.


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