
The Institute of Sidama Studies (IoSS) of Hawassa University was established in July 2020. Hawassa University, being one of the biggest research universities in the country, is surrounded by the Sidama community. Sidama people, like other ethno-national groups of Ethiopia, have enormous indigenous knowledge and cultural practices some of which are recognized at the global level.  The registration of Fichee-Cambalaalla, the Sidama New Year celebration, by the UNESCO as one of the world's intangible heritages in 2014 is just one example.

The main goal of the IoSS is to document, preserve, and promote the culture, indigenous knowledge, language, and overall socio-economic life of the Sidama people through comprehensive, regular and rigorous research. The institute will also incorporate a cultural museum unit where the material culture will be collected, stored, and made available for visitors and researchers interested in the Sidama ethnographic and historical studies.

The IoSS serves the following purposes for HU and the local community where the University is operating.

First, it supports the HU’s endeavour of thematic and disciplinary research as more than half of the thematic research areas of the University are in the Sidama area. This further strengthens the HUs stand as a research university at the national level.

Second, it will motivate and attract more researchers interested in studying Sidama’s socio-economic life, culture, language, art, and history, which in turn may expand the horizon of HU networking and partnership with other universities, organizations and research institutions.

Third, noting that we live in a dynamic world where the indigenous way of life and cultures are prone to changes. The IoSS serves as one of the institutes that will preserve and transmit the culture and indigenous knowledge of our country to the next generation. 

Finally, HU is currently offering the undergraduate program in Sidaamu Afoo and Literature, which is part of developing local culture and language. IoSS will be a good partner of the department as the later advances to offer postgraduate degrees in any possible programs. The same principle of collaboration and partnership extends to the Sidama Regional State administration and to international partners.

Mission, Vision and Core Values of the Institute

  • Mission

Preserving and promoting the Sidama culture and indigenous knowledge through research, documentation, and education

  • Vision

The IoSS aspires to become among the best culture and indigenous study institutes in Africa by 2030.

  • Core Values

The following core values will guide the actions of the IoSS.

  • Freedom of Inquiry
  • Equality and dignity of all persons
  • Inclusiveness
  • Promoting innovation
  • Professional integrity


The overall objective of establishing the IoSS at HU is to undertake research, documentation, and promotion of research findings of all disciplines on the overall ways of life of Sidaama people.

The specific objectives of the IoSS are to:

  • Document the past and present socio-cultural, economic, and socio-political as well as the ecological life of Sidama people.
  • Preserve material culture and its embedded indigenous knowledge for the next generation.
  • Promote culture and indigenous knowledge to the world community.
  • Make Sidaamu Afoo the language of research and publications.
  • Educate the young generation on the Sidama culture indigenous knowledge and way of life.


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